About Us

Настоящий материал (информация) произведен и (или) распространен иностранным агентом Сахаровский центр либо касается деятельности иностранного агента Сахаровский центр

16 января 2024 Первый апелляционный суд общей юрисдикции утвердил решение о ликвидации Сахаровского центра.
В удовлетворении апелляционной жалобы отказано.


Sakharov Center donate

Sakharov Center is a non governmental, non commercial organization. We are not funded by local or state budgets.

All our activities — lectures, excursions, visits to the museum, archives or library — are admission free. All the organisations who's events we host at our premises also are provided with our spaces free of charge. We exist and continue to do our work and help other civil initiatives by virtues of donations.

If you do think that Sakharov Center's work should continue — if you feel that our initiatives such as the civil center, museum, archive and library should not cease their existence — please, support us!

Donate by card



Billing information

I agree with Terms and Conditions and with privacy policy. Sorry! Russian version only at the moment, we will update it to English as soon as possible.

Donate with wire transfer

Dollar account

Name: Sakharov Center

Account details: SBERBANK, Lefortovskoye Branch 6901, Moscow, Russia

S.W.I.F.T. SABR RU MMAccount number 40703840938120200679